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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Objective-c

My MWSF Predictions

Yes, I am going to prognosticate for you all now, and tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt what Apple will announce today:

So Fresh, Exciting! for WordPress


This is a place holder until I have time to flesh out a proper description.

Believe for WordPress


This is a place holder until I have time to flesh out a proper description.

A couple of gifts for you

As this year draws to a close, your friends here at Sillyness would like to give you a couple of gifts.

When I moved from my previous design 'Fresh and Clean' I had decided to package it up as best I could and release it as a free theme for WordPress.  Today that dream becomes a reality.

Also, as many of you know, I had been working on a new theme for Sillyness code named 'Believe'.  As I have stated elsewhere I came to realize that I have shifted artistically back to the world of paint and charcoal; I gave up on my new design, and you guessed it, decided to package what I had up and release it as well.

K2 for WordPress


K2 is a WordPress modification—an advanced template—created by Michael Heilemann and myself, created as an improved Kubrick of sorts. It won't make you coffee, sing songs of sweet regret or sit at your bedside when you're ill, but it might make life just a tad …

Secrets of WP Themeing: The Complete Series

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Here is my complete series on Themeing With WordPress 1.5 collected all in one place for your convenience.

Podcasting with WordPress


I was asked by Matt sometime ago if I would create an entry in Codex describing how to podcast with WordPress.  There is already a nice article there, but I thought I would go ahead and create this tutorial for the sake of completeness.

CJD Spam Nuker


Back in September of 2004 I released a plugin that allowed you to delete large amounts of spam with one click.

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and all that rot to all my friends out there in internet land.  I am going to be away from the internet for the most part, until January 3rd, so if I don't respond its nothing personal.

Back Home Again

Well I have returned from another ApacheCon, and I can't wait for the next one.  This conference was much better than the last one in terms of my presentation.