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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Podcast-episode

Making the Film: The Basement

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So I have begun working on my next set of short films, and I thought that this time I would document the process, as well as have a process.

What is

So if you have been seeing this line in your Safari console:

Slowing Down in 2021

After the year we just had, 2021 is going to be a year of slowing down, creating more breathing room for myself as well as my family and reclaiming my well being.

Homebrew Apache Not Responding

So, if you are a homebrew using fool like me, and have recently found that your apache install isn't working after a reboot, then this might be the article for you. I had this very problem this morning and after a little digging I discovered …

Quick Tip: Email Addresses

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Do you need to have multiple accounts at the same service, say Twitter or Facebook, but don't want to have eleventy-seven email addresses that you never really check?

Hinterlands, Chapter Five

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AS DESPAIR WASHED OVER HIM, Séamus HEARD THE HIGH PITCHED WAIL of his grand-daughters battle cry in the distance. Áine had just burst into the clearing where the boy lay dying, not knowing she was coming to the aid of the one person who could …

Make that new cursor move faster

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If you are like me and have been waiting for the day that you have true mouse/trackpad support on the iPad, well your wait is over. As of iPadOS 13.4 you can connect most Bluetooth mice to your iPad and mouse away.

Building Social Dungeon: Chapter Two

Welcome back to the madhouse friends! Today we're going to be building on Chapter 1 of this series, so make sure you have gone through it and are up to speed. Let's get back to building that Twitter bot!

Building Social Dungeon: Chapter One

So as I mentioned in an earlier post, it's time for a good old SSWI tutorial series. This time we're going to look at the process of building Social Dungeon my Twitter bot. In this first chapter, we're going to look at how I built …

Social Dungeon Master

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So as you may or may not know, I have been working on a stupid, stupid game in my spare time, called Social Dungeon. In a nutshell, I have been doing this thing on Twitter for years now, where I award points to people who…