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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Podcast-episode

Gearing up for Leopard


If you are a web designer/developer type, and you use the mac as your dev platform of choice, and you are planning on upgrading to Leopard when it drops later today, knowing a couple of things before-hand will be helpful. Namely your shiny new OS now sports Apache 2.2.x and and PHP 5.2.x. This is a huge change.

Leopard Commeth


Yep, it is now official. Apple will be shipping MacOS 10.5 Leopard on October 26th. I have to say that I am actually pretty excited about this release. Leopard is going to introduce some very cool new technology. I am loving my Education Discout right…

9rules followup


In the five days since my Rule number 10 post there has been a lot of discussion happening in regards to the user agreement change.

To be fair there was a lot of talk happening before my post, but it was mostly talking at each other and not to each other. I had thought of not posting about this issue and just quietly withdrawing from the community. This had two fatal flaws to it:

Rule number 10


Get out when things don't make sense anymore.

This week I received an email from Thyme, the COO of 9rules, informing me that the user agreement had changed, and that I must agree to the new terms to retain my membership.

My first thought was "Nice, it is about time they updated the membership agreement. I wonder what new stuff is addressed or highlighted?" After reading for a couple of seconds my good vibes quickly soured. I discovered that the change in the agreement centered around participation in the private forum and/or "my.9rules".

The post I never thought I would write


This is indeed a dark day. Today is the day that I hang up my Apple Fanboydom forever.

Don't misunderstand, I still plan on using Apple, Inc's products. They are still the best products in the business, and I am far too heavily invested in the platform to simply jump ship at this time.

No, this is about the death of idealism and the overwhelming love and devotion for what once was a vanguard company, and now seems to be nothing more than a ship of fools.

There is no excuse for the iPhone 1.1.1 update and there is no defense for the iPhone 1.1.1 update.

Off to Ohio Linux


As you read this, I am on the road, driving the benz to Columbus to speak at the Ohio Linux Fest. It has been strange preparing for this engagement, since for the first time, my slides won't have any code in them!

All the talks I have given to date have been covering specific types of technology (XSLT) or methods for using technology (Apache 2 on MacOS X). Never have I spoken about trends, and philosophies in conjunction with technology. This certainly should be interesting.

New Apple Store


A <a href="" title=""Gotta love twitter">twitt from Jeffrey Zeldman, tipped me off to the presence of a new Apple Online Store. While I agree with Mr. Zeldman that the underlying code is a wonder to behold, I am distressed by how busy the site…

Pixelmator has landed


That's right folks, the slayer of photoshop for all the hobbyists out there has finally arrived. Now lets see if it can live up to the hype. Check it out.

Atom support in WordPress


Sam Ruby, Mr. RSS, pointed out that WordPress 2.3 'dexter' has added "full atom 1.0 support, including the publishing protocol" which is a major accomplishment, trust me. We added Atom 1.0/APP support to Habari in November 2006 and it was a laborious task.

Hey Look, TV out


Looks like I was right. The next iPhone update adds TV out options among other things. Man I love being right. Can't wait for this one to hit iTunes!