Sillyness Spelled Wrong Intentionally » Browsing the Process tag

Top 10 Posts Tagged With Process

Sola Scriptura Sillyness


Okay, I don't want to start a s**t storm here or anything but I read this over at Karl's and had to say something.

Back on Line

Well as you can see we are back, and hopefully you can tell we are better than ever.

House Beautiful...


Mortgage company fugly.

New Computers, and stuff...

Well yesterday Apple Computer smacked everyone upside the head yesterday with super-spiffiness. (Editorial Note: Please forgive Chris, he is still in a state of euphoria from said announcement.)

For the record...


Let me just say this for the record... again.



Fellow newly illumined James Smith has asked the question, "What does evangelism look like in the Orthodox Church?".

Silly, silly man...


UPDATE: Apparently the joke was not straightforward enough, my apologies.

So you want substance...


This is for that certian someone who last Sunday stated that there was nothing ever good on my blog.

Disturbing Search Results...


Well aparently thanks to Mr. Hibbity Gibbity we are now the number 2 site returned by a MSN search on Search for Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Teenagers stats 2003!

Trepidation indeed...


I guess I should be flattered since I started the whole getting married trend that MHG, as I will refer to him from now on, mentioned in the post preceeding this one.