Sillyness Spelled Wrong Intentionally » Browsing the Security tag

Top 10 Posts Tagged With Security

Cleanup complete...


Well after upgrading b2 a couple of times I lost all my groovy adherences to accessability and validation services.

What does he Know?


Well Todd over at WhatdoIKnow has finally returned from teh depths of blogging obscurity to update us on.... a flash experiment.

Huh, imagine that.


Well Basil thinks he might have discovered the reason for the malfunction of pingback on his site.

More interconnectivity...


Well well, I have found yet another system to link blogs together, Tangent.



Apparently either Basil or I, or both of us have pingback incorrectly setup, since the post that I refer to below that was on his blog should have been pinged back to my post, but never was.

This is beautiful

For those of you that have seen the Gianni Jacklone switch ad, you might be like me and thinking that he is way too much of a cartoon, IT director to Toni Soprano indeed.

Chimera Devs...


Big surprise, I submitted a patch to the Chimera Project that adds the bookmark menu in the dock, a feature of my browser Cunning and a much requested addition to Chimera.

The Shat speaks...


Over at William Shatner's weblog the almighty Great Big Head reflects on his daughters blog here, dealing with the Captain's insatiable interest in technology.