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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Series

Iron Man Cometh


The first images of the Mach 1 suit have hit the web-waves. I am pretty happy with what they are doing so far. I am a casual fan of Iron Man, not a fanatic but if this is what we have waiting for us, I…

Viddler 2.0


Just when you thought it couldn't get any hotter, they pull out download of your video's, RSS feeds and video commenting on existing videos. Be still my beating heart.

Quick Posts


Inline asides, whatever you want to call them, prompted by Kristin enabling them on her site, this is how you do it with Habari.

There are a couple of things to look at before we get into the actual code:

  1. Habari doesn't use categories like WP or MT, we use tags.
  2. We need to choose a tag that will identify our inline asides.
  3. The Habari loop is much simpler than what you are used to from something like WP.

Okay, with that out of the way, let talk through what we are going to do to achieve the quickie/inline asides that you see on this site.



A groovy new Rails app that is a direct competitor to Basecamp. I am testing it now. Visually is is much better. check it.

Come to ApacheCon


The call for papers is now open for ApacheCon US 2007.

Habari Lifestream


I am prepping a Habrai-ized version of my Lifestream plugin/class thingy. You can see it in action here. I'll let you know when it is ready for downloading.

Anger, seething anger


That is what I feel after having read this 'statement' from Apple Inc.'s website:

Warning: Crazy Egg is cracked


This is a hard thing for me to say, since I just love the service, when it works.

Life Lists, A Viddler episode


I am fast approaching my 30th birthday, and I thought it would be a good time to site back and take stock of my life. What I have been able to accomplish in these 30 years, and what I have left to accomplish.

CreativeXpert Interview


Alan Houser over at CreativeXpert has released an interview he did with me a couple of weeks ago.