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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Site-spotlight

On this day in History


8 years ago today, Heather and I stood in front of friends and family consenting to be joined as one for the rest of our lives.

MeToday: Christmas Trees


Tis the season for perfection and frustration!

Yes it is time once again, for the Christmas Tree to go up at the Davis house and with it will come pain, suffering and very likely wailing and gnashing of teeth. Give the video a watch.

The Morning Geek Out


So I got to have one of those moments you just live for as a geek this morning at work.

I have a "liberated" iPhone, and one of my co-workers has a "liberated" iPod Touch. He was asking what apps I find useful and I of course answered the eReader app Books.

Hope for all white individuals


Truly, Joe Cocker gives the truly white hope. Yes Timmy, you can have soul.

Disegno come arte: Rhythm


So, after reflecting on my entry “Visual Harmony in Webdesign”, I got to thinking. It is all well and good to complain bitterly about the lack of artisitic principles that are found in some of todays design, but what does it really accomplish?

Nothing. So today I am starting a multi-part series covering some of the priciples found in the world of fine art, that can be applied to our web design. First up is Rhythm, or Art Rhythm.

Visual Harmony in Webdesign


One of the things that really struck me while at FOWD this week was the surprising lack of appreciation for white space, and visual harmony.

Where webdesign and art can overlap

There has been a lot of talk about how web design isn't art. While I agree that it isn't art at this moment, I don't agree that it should stay that way.

At the very least, webdesigners need to understand the rules of art, at least in part, to make useable, beautiful designs. It just seems to me that a number of designers today either do not understand these foundational ideas, or don't see any value in them.

FOWD Bound


Here I am, once again sitting in the Bluegrass Airport waiting to be taken away.

Say Hello to Habari 0.3


Today the Habari Community is proud to announce the immediate release of the third major version of our blog software.

Interface Consistency in the Real World


Why can't businesses get with the program and ensure consistent interfaces for their stores?

Case in point, Blockbuster changed the "UI" for the movie selection process. You used to have branded DVD cases with the movies in them, with an empty case from the actual movie on top. This was a horrible UI, since you couldn't tell from a glance what was in stock and what was not.

The Superest


From two of the most creative illustrators on the interwebs today, comes The Superest. I will tell you no more, you need to experience it for yourself.