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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Unity

Apples Madness

UPDATE: Today (02.08.02) the website for zettabyte solutions now displays content. Unfortunately it is a paragraph stating thus:

Humbled and thankful.


There are times in life that you sit back and take stock of your life.


Speechless... there is nothing else to say at this point. I had known that the new flagship Apple Retail Stores were going to be nice, but this is just beyond me. The sheer architectural beauty and form that is conveyed by the facade; the glass …

Apple's future

I have been thinking quite a bit lately about what possible road Apple could take not only to ensure its profitablity, but to secure its place in the personal computer market.

Long time, no blog.


Just a quick note. I have been lax in my duties here of late, due mainly to the fact that I have been dealing with admin problems at some sub-domains of mine and life with a significant other who not only deserves a lion share …

Half way there


Well I am half way there with the redirection. Right now my script redirects based on browser type, I have yet to incorporate the platform specific code. So that being said, if you use Netscape/Gecko, you will see the good site no matter what platform …

Stupid Web Standards...


Well my conversation with Basil, has lead to me returning the old layout to the net, for now, you can access it here. It will be this way until I am fininshed hacking a huge detect and redirect for platform and browser type .js…

I give up.


I give up. After talking to my friend Basil, I have decided that I just can't win. I personally like the new layout of my site, but since he doesn't I am going to redesign it again. Just to make you happy. Becuase we can't…

Canada's Dumbest Man!


I have found him! Finally I have found Canada's Dumbest Man. It seems that this intellectual giant was unaware selling and installing mod chips for the playstation game console is illegal.

The sky is falling....


Well it looks like we are all going to die.