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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Development

Today is the day

As revealed here, the winner has been announced and it is none other than the infamous Skippy!  This is no surprise to me, since I have been telling him since he published his article and released his plugin that he was going to win.  Rawk on in the Free World my friend, you really do deserve to win.

Gotta role with the changes

This past weekend, and the beginning of this week we moved my home office and started work on the Nursery.

Things are really starting to be real for me with the pregnancy.  Heather is starting to show and we are beginning to rearrange our lives, even our home to welcome this little life into our world.  Every day I get a little more excited.

That which matters most

My good friend Skippy remarked recently in the #wordpress channel:

Some updates, Shuttle and Stuff


I thought now would be a good time to stop and do some reflecting and answer a question or two that have been posed to me over the last few weeks.

Pleasant Conversations

It is not that often that you are able to have a pleasant conversation online.  Add in that you are trying to offer support and help, and it gets even unlikelier.  When you add in the whole "internet celebrity" angle and well as my redneck …

I have found it

I have found the greatest site in the history of the Internet.


It's interesting how the mind works, how reading something innocuous, like this post from my good friend Khaled can bring an entire missive to life, to resurrect long dead feelings and amplify the mournful cry of emptiness in ones soul.

Time for some context.

It is a little known fact that I am a classically trained fine artist.  I studied for three years with some of the finest living artists I have had the privilege to know at Asbury College.  Going into the program my only real talent was drawing, if you can call it that, but while there I discovered that I had a deep love, if no talent for, painting and I am a gifted sculptor.  It was at Asbury that I actually discovered what drawing was, and developed into a skilled drawer, specifically in the area of the figure.

Thanks for your donation


Thank you for your donation.

Silly Supporters Page

Suprisingly enough some donations from a few very generous people have started coming in, so I have setup the Silly Supporters page.

Silly Supporters


Silly Supporters for 2005