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Silly University


Welcome to Silly University

CJD Live Preview


I have has some requests for more specific instruction on Live Preview, so here we go.  I will be as succinct as I can here, while still giving you all the information necessary to get this working.

Where I have been lately


I am sure there are at least a couple of people out there wondering what I have been up to since my previous post.

Well the answer to that question is many faceted.  Obviously Heather and I have been knee deep in baby Davis preparations, and that alone could fill most peoples days.  I have also been slaving away at a new design project that I am still unable to officially announce, hopefully more about that in the future.

Lately though, I have been doing some research on high-definition TV's and Media Centers.  I am planning on making a modest purchase in the next month to finally add high-definition to my home theatre system, as well as replacing my pseudo-media center with a more mature, fully featured offering.  So I have decided on my TV, I am going to pick up a 30 inch wide screen aspect HD TV that includes an analog and digital tuner, as well as the very snazzy HDMI.


Coming Soon

Coming soon to a blog near you the insane ramblings of a soon-to-be-father.  Oh wait, it isn't coming soon it is already here!  Ha!



In other news... what in the world?  I mean... WHAT IN THE WORLD PEOPLE?

Please pardon the dust


Well I knew it had to happen to me sometime.

The cat, she is out of the bag


Well I guess it is now okay to talk about this little endeavour since khaled has seen fit to announce it and all.

I Got the Call

That's right, I got the call from Apple Computer on the 25th of this month.  Now what could this call be all about you might ask?  Yeah I was asking that too actually, so let's sit back and imagine shall we?

Out of Contact


I am in training for the Apache WebServer all this week, so don't expect much activity from me until the weekend.

Much ado about themes


I have mentioned themes briefly before, but in light of some questions I have been fielding I have decided to dedicate some time to a proper tutorial.  Hopefully we can flesh this out a bit more fully, just remember the mantra: "We write the theme, We love the theme, We are the theme."
