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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Season-2

a WiFi world.


I ran across this article over at

Respect, Honor, and Valour.


My wife Heather and I, as well as one of my best friends Basil gathered this evening around that magical box in our living room, you know the one that sucks away your creativity and capacity for rational thought. Oh yeah, you call it a …



A nugget of wisdom: Only friends can hurt friends.

Blogathon 2002


I just stumbled across this today.

Battle for the inbox


Well I found something very intersting at ALA today:

Imagine That.


Really. Whilst perusing the wordage over at Kevin's, I stumbled across this little diddy:

Much ado about Imagery...


It has occured to me as I peruse the internet that the idea of usasbiliy and standards is not really catching on the way it should. Take splash pages for instance. Kevin is not a fan of them, and his prejudice is rubbing off on …

Many Years.


Well today is the birthday of the Illustrious Kevin Basil. Many Years, and glad tidings and all that rot.

What are you People doing?!

For the love of Mike! I have just had it with all the detractors out there, who are using OS X, and keep spouting off about the claims that Apple has made regarding the stability, speed and ease of use, and don't get me started …

Have at You!

The day has finally come. Today, Apple has shifted to the offensive. Apple has launched its most aggressive and straight-forward campaign since 1984 in my opinion.