Sillyness Spelled Wrong Intentionally » Browsing the Value tag

Top 10 Posts Tagged With Value

Church & State

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So now that the historic battle over Marriage Equality has ended, my social networks have been abuzz with people declaring why this is the best outcome in the history of judicial rulings and those who are declaring that this is the worst outcome in the …

Fiction 504

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Tomorrow when Apple Music goes live, so will my return to making music.

The Commute

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One of the perks of living in San Diego is that I can use reliable public transportation for my work commute.

And then I changed my mind.

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Ask anybody, I am not one to change my mind often. Once I come to a decision on something I very rarely "switch directions" as it were.

Mac OS X Quick tip, Yosemite Edition

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There are a number of cool options that can be found by holding down the option key as you click around in Mac OS X, but one that is really useful is a shortcut to turn Do Not Disturb on and off.

The Problem With Mobile First

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I know that looks like a loaded statement. I mean Mobile First is the rallying cry for the luminaries in our community right?

The folly of the touch screen remote

So on the Twitters today I read a tweet from Partick Haney about a mockup of a touch enabled remote for a next gen Apple TV:

R & B Lyrics, Then and Now

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How quickly things change.

Labour of Love

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So I am submitting Beer Sommelier to the App Store today and I have to say, I am quite emotional about it. Not weepy, but nervous.

Man I wish... CSS Version

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It's one of those days, you know where you find yourself saying "Man, why can't ______ just work THIS way.