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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Death-of-art

The Vice President

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Aside from the obvious inaccuracies, shading and outright falsehoods that have been identified in the article, I find the central issue at hand, namely that the Vice President support Pro Choice politically, while privately holding that life is sacred and begins at conception, and this …


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Very quickly I discovered that something was different. I was feeling something that I hadn't felt in a long time. The simple joy of playing. Sure I am working, but really at the end of the day I am playing.


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The most interesting part of all of this to me is that all of the car companies interviewed deny that the success of Tesla has anything to do with their current and future plans.

Tumblr Clothes


You are a website software company, and you have a clothing line. I mean seriously people, a clothing line.

That Keyboard

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Most people are comparing it to the Surface Keyboard, as they should. They should also be comparing it to any of the dozens of other keyboard ideas, concepts and shipping products that have been created for the iPad, Windows Tablet and Android Tablet market in …



Whether it be writing, doing VLogs or being a good father, consistency make the difference. When I finally got my site up and running on Apple News, I made the commitment to publishing 3 articles a day, 3 times a week.

Render Unto Caesar


The amount of people who don't actually understand anything about their faith is simply staggering. I have become used to people quoting scriptural verses out of context, or divorced from their historical and theological context, but this is really another level of concern.

Love & Marriage


A friend and I were discussing the scandal over lunch, and it was interesting to me what each of us thought was the real reason for the outrage we are seeing. I maintain that it is the breach of privacy and security, and he believes …

Budget Tech

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When in doubt, grab your phone and hope for the best.


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As some of you may know my wife finished up culinary school before we moved to San Diego, and food has been a large part of our lives since then.