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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Development

WordPress Support for "nofollow"


Well I am sure you have heard about the "nofollow" initiative making its rounds, courtesy of google.

Well Look at that

So whilst drooling over the offerings at I decided to just pop in at the MacOS X area and WOW, am I glad I did.


There are no words

In other news I am apparently a Design Ninja!  And with that I have joined the ranks of the ninja elite, there can be no higher compliment.

There are just no words to describe the overwhelming coolness that is Apple product releases.

I am blown away.  I am undone.

Estafette via NuclearMoose


I usually refuse to memes, but I thought to myself: "Self I says, NuclearMoose sent this one your way, you have to do it."  And let me tell you there is no arguing with him, I mean you try and he just crosses his arms and clams up; here is a pic of the last time we had an argument... look at him all arm-crossed and sullen.  Jerk.


I, along with many others are participating in BlogAid.  While I wasn't "cool" enough to get an invite from Andy (I'm looking at YOU Heilemann! heh.) I do, for whatever reason have a healthy readership.



All Eyes on Asia

Fresh and Clean: One month on


Well I have officially decided to make Fresh and Clean my permanent design, and not just a stop-gap as I had initially set forth.

The initial version of Fresh and Clean was coded CSS-wise in a round 2 hours, add another 25 minutes in for restructuring my pages and you have less than 2.5 hours to create a cohesive site style.  People talk a lot about web-standards and CSS vs Tables but the bottom line for me is 2.5 hours.  I was able to design and implement, from scratch, a site design in less time than it takes to watch a Lord of the Rings movie.


Jared Christensen

Well it is time once again for the infamous Site Spotlight.  I am trying to the utmost of my ability to actually stay on top of this and update at least once a month with a new entry.

Why I am a MacHead

Welcome MacSurfer readers!  I hope you enjoy reading my little snippet here, and please by all means leave a comment!  I would really like to hear from other Mac users on this.