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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Life

The Return of usability...


By popular demand I have put up the link to all my hacks and plug-ins again.

When good redesigns go bad...


I won't post much here about this issue, since the comments that have been left at Design by Fire say mostly what I would, only I would say them in a much less hero-worship-y tone.

Faking it: WordPress as CMS pt. 1

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Part two is now up, you can find it over here.  This series is by no means exhaustive, but it is a good place to begin to understand customizing WordPress.  NOTE: This tutorial only covers WordPress 1.2, if you are running WordPress 2.0 this is all useless.

In this tutorial we will cover the steps necessary to use WordPress as a CMS.  This tutorial will cover the basic concepts and steps to get something up and running as quickly as possible, part 2 will cover more advanced tricks to get the most out of your WPCMS.

The first step is to identify exactly what you want to get out of a CMS, just because you can make WordPress function as a CMS doesn't mean you should.  Be sure before you begin that you are not creating more work for yourself than neccessary.

Okay so I assume since you are still with me that you have decided that a WPCMS is for you.  Now, we need to identify how your new shiny sight will be organized.  For the purposes of this tutorial lets assume that you will have the following site structure:

  1. index/home page
  2. colophon/information page
  3. about me/about us page
  4. movie/music reviews

We all set?  Good lets get going.

Spider-man 2


header for spiderman 2 review

Well I have now seen Spider-man 2 twice, and I must say that it stil holds up even after the initial fan-boyism has worn off.

The movie is not perfect by any means, but I think it is now officially my favorite sequel. Danger!  Danger Will Robinson!  Danger Spoilers Ahead!  Consider yourself duly warned.

Funky Founding Fathers


So yeah, I came across this today, and just had to share it with you all.  Who knew our founding fathers knew how to throw down.

How 'bout that.


I found out yesterday via one of my many stats packages that I have been listed by Matt Mullenweg aka photomatt, the lead developer on WordPress, as a "well designed WordPress blog".

The nonsense that happens when you can't sleep


UPDATE: Of course the moment that I open my mouth, I find an incredible implementation of Virtual Desktops, open source no less.  If you are into this sort of thing you owe it to youself to check out Desktop Manager.  There are some fuzzy …

More additions to the photoblog

As I promised sometime ago I have a photo section up and running and I have added the first of hopefully many images from Thursday Nights at the Inn On Applegrove.

This was a good night to start things off with since we had a fairly large group, ten in all, 12 if you count the dog and cat.  I can't really put into words how much these get-togethers mean to me; to have those that have become my family not only in the light of eternity, but that have in a very real and present way become loved ones in this life, gathered in my home to eat and laugh, there is no better way to spend an evening.

I can't think of a better way to manifest the communion we all share through partaking of the Eucharistic elements than to spend a night together when we could have all easily just stayed home.  For me this is the real test of ecclesia fortitude; meaning how do we manifest the Body outside of the temple space.  It is not really that difficult to love each other on Sunday for 3 hours; but to come together mid-week and offer that time up as a sacrifice of love is a good mark twain (see the bottom of the page for the definition) for the health and vitality of your local parish community I would think.

Tuesday Nights


I posted some pictures from my Tuesday Night gaming group, this time it was a WAN party featuring Age of Empires II.  You can see some of the pics here: Geek Orthodox Album.

Not fair...

Apple released new monitors seen here, and previewed "Tiger" the next version of MacOS X.