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Changes around Sillyness


If you are one of my more astute readers, you might have noticed that there have been some changes around these parts since Tuesday the 2nd of January.

MyPirateTV, care of TiVo


So while taking a break from working, I checked out TiVo's site, in hopes that they had come to their senses and lowered the cost of the Series 3 box, I noticed a link to a press release that had an interesting title.

Christ is Born!


Glorify Him

Five things


You didn’t know about me.  Gee, thanks Rich.

7 years ago today


At 6:30 pm Heather consented to be my wife.

Archives at


Herein you will find the memory of this site, all the silly posts and thought provoking comments you can stand... right at your fingertips so to speak.



People, please


The Pulitzer Prize is for exemplary work in the field of Journalism, and as such is restricted to recognized Journalistic Entities.

Lifestream, ala WordPress


UPDATE: I have a fix for the time problems.  You need to add the following code right after line 93 of stream.php (that line should look like this: $date = strtotime( substr( $item['pubdate'], 0, 25 ) );):

$date -= 3600*N;

Where N is how many hours…

Sillyness, Now and Then


When Khaled approached me, asking for some help with exporting his blog content, which would eventually become Broken Kode Season 1, we spoke a little about blogs, blooks and what moving your prose from this medium of immediacy and interaction, to a more traditional, non participatory one meant.

I also confided in him that I was thinking along these same lines as well (publishing some or all of my posts here on Sillyness as a book through LuLu), I just wasn't ready yet.  One reason that I wasn't ready to undertake this large task was that I had no idea what I wanted out of a dead tree version of Sillyness.