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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Value


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On September 9th Apple, inc will once again command the attention of the world, and presumably release new miracles of computing prowess.

To Ascend

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For the most part people have a passing idea of what Confession is, due to the number of Catholics found in America, but this knowledge isn't as useful as you would like because:

The End

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With the recent news of Twitter shutting down sites dedicated to archiving politicians tweets, we are seeing the true nature of the New Twitter.


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As I am working on my new web series 3 Sheets I find myself reflecting on chemistry and its importance in not only creative pursuits, but every day life.

Sin as Disease

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This past Sunday I was asked to give the Homily (aka sermon). I thought I would post it for those of you who are religiously inclined.

But, I live in RB!

So over the weekend we had a little issue here at the ol' homestead. 911 was called, a lot of good that did.

To Shine

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The simple, revolutionary, absurd idea that will change the way you think about yourself, and more importantly, those around you.

MacOS Quicktip

From time to time I like to share little tips I have discovered while using my trusty mac.


So, as I am working on my new web series 3sheets, I keep looking for new ways to produce content, engage people and add value.

In Process

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So I was talking to my friend, personal hero and font of inspiration, Khaled Abou Alfa tonight via the twitters, and he marveled at the amount of things I have going on at the moment.